Thursday, July 31, 2008

To my Brother-In-Law

I would like to say having a Big TV there is nothing wrong with that. My sister and her Husband just got a nice size TV If you want to see it check out there blog at My sister wrote how she has a contract.... well open contract with her husband about gifts and things. Well Mike all I have to say I got your back brother. For your birthday/Christmas... count on my Christina and I to hook you up if you see something that we can help you out with as far as accessories for that nice TV.

With way that My sister acts sometimes you just know that we came from the same seed. She is very firm and has a very large command Presence . "Dig" I love you.

Anyways after I heard of this nice TV I wanted to check it out or at least check some out for myself. I have a big TV right now but it just is too wide for out living room. So I have been talking with my wife about letting the one I have go and getting a new one that would fit better in our small living room.

This past weekend we went to my moms house which was really nice. We were eating at the famous Rosa's Cafe and My wife had been telling my Mom and my sister that I would not go to the Dentist. Bad mistake! Then I had my mom and sister telling me that "you need to go, she's paying for it, and I am going to have bad Gums and teeth." I think that is were we got that command Presence (thanks mom lol). I made my own contract, lets say deal with my wife...since I don't like the dentist at all ....(Long story for another time). The deal was that I would go to the dentist and then I would get a prize after I went. You see were I'm going here. After all the wheels were turning... I figured that I would get a new TV. To make a long story short we ended up buying a 60 inch TV from AAFES. We spent more but that was ok it was all worth it. All that TV for just a trip well two trips a year to the Dentist. Here is a picture of it. Not the real one. The real one I will get on Tuesday.

So Mike I got your back...... All kidding aside I know that you work hard and you take care of my Sister and Nieces very well so you deserve that TV. Thanks again. I am glad you took my advice I gave you when I first met you in the

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Weekend in Herford Texas

This past weekend we were able to go and visit some of our friends in Hereford Texas. Lets just say I have never seen so many cows in my life. I am from Texas and still have never seen so much beef. We are talking thousands and thousands of cows. For those that don't know what Hereford means the definition is hardy English breed of dairy cattle raised extensively in United States . We had a wonderful time there. Although our friends thought that we were never coming back. I say this because we got there on Saturday early afternoon and left on Sunday evening. In the time that we were there we went Bowling , ate at a steak place, went to play pool and then also played golf the following day. They also wanted to take us to the Harley Davidson Store......and the list goes on. My response being the smarty pants that I am was " we don't have to do everything we will come back you know".

You know it is really funny how the lord puts people in your path and then it all turns in a big circle. I say this because our friends Roy and "Ya Ya" Dianara (I think that is how you spell it) Have been friends with Christina since her days at NMMI. Know I meet them because of Christina. When we were in Hereford Dianara showed us some pictures. It turns out that she was my Military Science 4 instructor. Well at least in PT. I did not recognize her without her glasses. Like I said it is just funny how this circle hits us.

When we went bowling we had a great time. It was a time to relax and enjoy the company of friends and Family. We had a little bit of friendly competition. There was a lot of trash talk and needless to say Roy and I won as a team. BOTH GAMES I MIGHT ADD.
Christina trying to go in for the kill

And then there was two.

The kill was a failure

Paul enjoying the defeat of the other team.

The next day was a good one we got to sleep in which was great and then went to play golf. I am not the best golfer and have only been doing it for about maybe a couple of months. I had not done any golfing since my accident about 9 months ago. So I was very rusty when it came to play the game of golf. Roy on the other hand was very serious about the game. Quite different then the people that I normally play with. I know that I am not good so I just practice hitting the ball straight, which is not very often. It was nice and we had a great time with them. Although I think Roy wished that I was better.......

Army Combatives Course

This week I had the opportunity to go to the Army Combatives course. It was nothing like I expected. There was a lot of physical contact. Lets just say at the end of the day I was gone...I would go to bed at 800. There was still light outside sometimes when I would go to bed. During the week we learned many different grappling techniques that at the end of the week we would be tested on. There was on day that we would all well most of us dread. On Thursday we got knocked out. Now I have been hit in the face before. Never this hard. The drill was that we needed to achieve the clinch four times. A clinch is when you grab your opponent or enemy not allowing them to punch or hurt you any more. As for me I did great the first time, as for the second and third time I had two bloody noses a cut lip and a small concussion. The final time I just took one hit and then dove right in and achieved the clinch. After all this I was glad that I finished the and passed the course. I mean if i did not pass that would have sucked. Being hit that many times and not pass would again sucked. So I was determined to pass not matter what. Well I did and that made me very happy. I felt like crap for then next couple of days...but it was all worth it all.

The Weekly Gordies

Gorda has always been a dog that loves her toys. They normally are all over the house. When she gets a stuffed animal the "stuff" that is in the toy ends up all over the house. When we were in angel fire NM there was this big red bulldog that now one wanted, so Christina and I took it home to Gordies. Since then she has been nibbling on it. I think she thinks that it is Chula..... Anyways she just ripped into it this week. Of course all of the "Stuff " was all over the place. Although she has no idea what is going on she killed the dog.

We think this is so funny but like the other dogs we need to teach her not to do this. So we were told that if we spray her with water then she will stop. All the other dogs hate this. Well not this ADHD dog, Gordies loves it. She drinks the water that we spray in her face.

And this has been another insight on the weekly gordies

Monday, July 7, 2008

Alien Festival

This week has been a long one. Well for me at least. I had to work a booth at the Alien Festival. This was the first time that I had ever seen the festival. It actually was better than I thought. I had heard many myths that there were nothing but a lot of freaks out there. Some of which that stated that they had been probed or that they came from Mars. Don't get me wrong but there are people that dress like aliens or think that they are aliens . For the most part there are a lot of different people that are passing for vacation. The booths also are of different types from alien stuff to crafts. As for our booth it was about the SROTC program along with the promotion of the Institute. It was fun for me to meet so many people. We also took pictures of anyone that wanted to put on some military equipment that included a flack vest or a ruck sack. On the last day Christina was with me till about 12 then I was done with the Festival.

4th of July

This 4th was nice because we just stayed home and spent it with some friends here in Roswell. It was nice being able to not have to go anywhere and just stay home. We went to the park and BBQ'ed with some friends. We were also able to honor those troops that gave their lives in Iraq this past year. Each of them were from Roswell. It was a nice deal. After the presentation the fireworks went off. That was cool. We also had all three dogs in the house that night. Chat is a big chicken and hates thunder , gun shots and fire crackers. So we let them all stay in the house with us. Chula hated that and was pretty mad about having all the dogs in the house.

Farmer Pablo

Well the grass is growing nice and I am learning how hard it is to keep the grass nice. I am not looking forward to doing the back yard. I know I am going to have to tackle that one later this summer.

Family time

Christina and I have been married now a year and an half. It has been fun. We do a lot of things together. One of these is play XBOX 360 together. Now Christina doesn't play any of the game that I like. For example Call to Duty or any game with war in them. She likes to play the Basketball Games and of course ROCK BAND. She plays the drums and I sing or play the bass or lead guitar. In the pictures Im trying to do the drums and she is trying to play the guitar. I feel that when couples do things together a marriage will last forever. One of the many things that I love about my wife is that she will do things with me as do I with the things that she likes to do like watch her chick flics or on Sundays in the summer watch her show "Army Wives". It is these kinds of things that keep our marriage alive. We like spending time together. Even if it means a little competition. Our band's name is C 'n' P and at the end of each song it lets us know how well we did. There are times when Christina is the top preformer and I am better. When it comes to the Basketball Games there is which of our team wins. I think she is betting me on the basketball games.

The weekly Gordies

Today on the weekly gordies She did something that she knew she was Wrong. Christina had made some dinner for us and she stepped out of the kitchen for a while. When she got back Gordies had jumped on the table chairs and ate some of her food. The when we yelled at her she ran underneath the table. Once again this dog makes us laugh. This has been another weekly Gordies.

Me with my two friends Mr green and Mr Grey (I think they are illegal...dont tell anyone)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Week with the little monsters

It has been a while since I put any new updates about our family. These past few weeks have been long and hard. Christina and I have been working long hours. One week , which happened to be the week that our Nephews were here I had work schedules from 430 am - 900pm. Let me tell you those were long days. Then this past week Christina has been working long hours.


I never claimed to be the best role model but the boys insisted on have Tattoos like their uncle Paul. I told them that their Tia colored all over my arms. This comment did not fly for them. They are smart kids and figured that out very quick. They know that the McDonald's here in Roswell on Thursdays does it an that is were I got mine. So needless to say we went there fro dinner on Thursday. That is were I well we got our Tats. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Let me start off on the week that our nephews were with us. It is always fun with those boys. You know that they are our nephews with some of the lines that they say. One of which is "Colocho" (Curls) Miguel the younger of the two says some pretty funny things. When I asked him to get me an Ice cream sandwich he replied "Uncle Paul you have already had one for the day, and those are mine " I looked at him and thought in my head I'm being told by a 4 year old that I can't have as much ice cream as I want. Something is wrong here, but I couldn't help but laugh at this. (How can I get mad at a face like that). Another comment made by the little hulk was when we were taking them back home he was kicking the back of my seat and I told him not to, his response the first time was " Ok sorry" The second time I had to raise my voice to try to scare him (it did not work with this one) I told him stop kicking the seat his response was " I don't have my shoes on". As you can see they are our nephews with their smart remarks.

Anthony the older one just thinks that he is bigger than he is. He will try to pick little fights with me. Of course he always ends up on the ground. Anthony has always wanted to play fight with me. As long as I can remember he has always don't this. He is a good brother, looks out for Miguel. His remarks are almost like Colochos but he talks a lot of trash to me. Yet again another indication that he is my nephew. I bought Need for Speed for the Nintendo Wii and was playing it or at least learning how on my lunch breaks. Being the trash talker that Anthony AKA T-DOG is he, told me" I bet I can bet you in the game and that I am a much better diver than you". My reaction to this was "ok". Sure enough he bet me and I got my butt handed to me. Beaten by a 7 year old...I guess I am getting old and am not as good as I thought I was.

That week was great we were able to take them to the movies to see " Kung Fu Panda " and "the Incredible Hulk". The boys loved both of the movies. There is one part in Kung Fu Panda that the panda learns a move with his fingers and he grabs the enemy and says "scadush" and the opponent falls. Every time Colocho started to act up I would grab him and then yell "scadush" making him fall.

Then when we saw the Hulk when T-dog would start to act up I would tell him "that he did not want to see me angry , he would not like me angry "

I really think that the week went great!

Farmer Pablo

The grass is turning out great. It actually is growing better than what I thought. I have to lay some top soil down on some of the bare spots because the birds keep eating my seeds. I think I am going to have to get the beebee gun out and hit some birds to keep them out of my yard. I will post some pictures on a new blog.

The Weekly Gordies

With this dog there is always something. She always amazes Christina and I on some of the things that she has done. There actually are a couple of things but I'll leave that for a later weekly gordies. This week there has been a number of kids on our street that are popping fire crackers. Gorda is not much of a chicken when it comes to loud noises but she did manage to knock her 5 gallon tin of water and get mud all over her. This meant that she would not be able to come into the house at all. This has been a update of the Weekly Gordies

Chata is wondering why she does not have any water to drink. Also why are her paws wet ?