Thursday, July 30, 2009


Gross! We found a huge toad by our front porch steps. These types of animals give me the ebee gee bees (I don't know how to spell it). But you know what I mean.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Paul's hard yard work!

Look Sheena! We have grass (and a little bit of weeds)! Paul has been working really hard on our yard. He tilled, leveled, and planted grass seeds. It is growing in quick. I was just so tired of seeing dirt! This is the back yard. You should come by and see the front yard. It is beautiful!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Weekly Gordies!

The Weekly Gordies was not so funny this time. Last night she got sick. She had the runs. Today, she didn't even ask for human food. Paul and I came to the conclusion that her stomach does not agree with fish. She never had fish before until yesterday. Gordies slept all day! She didn't even want to go outside. For those of you who know Gordies, that is not like her at all!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Traveling Wall!

I forgot that I had these pics from the 4th of July. We had the Traveling Wall. It is just like the one in Washington D.C. They also had a Harley that had paintings of scenes from Vietnam War. I just get chills when I go to these types of events. Of course it hits home because Paul is in the military and I just dread the day when Paul says that is being deployed. I knew that when we got married but it is just different when it comes down to him leaving.

Two Left Boots for a Left Tenant!

Paul went to Midland Tuesday night to swear in Brendan into the Texas Guard. Since he spent the night, he packed HIS own bag. I usually pack for him and this is what happens when he packs for himself. Enough said! He packed two left boots. He had to wear them. He had no choice. Silly Lieutenant!