Thursday, August 28, 2008

Weekends of fun, enjoyment and much more with my wife

OK First of all I really need to do better with posting things. It seems that I get on a role and do well then I fall behind. So bare with me and get ready for a mouth full.


First a couple weekends ago Christina and I went to the famous Chama Days that her home town has every year. This year we planned to stay for the whole thing. In the past we just would visit family and not really participate in the Festivities that goes on at Chama Days. Lets just say it was a weekend of a lot of fun. Although we did not ride the train due to the time we had there. Plus Our Nino told us that it is better to ride it when the leaves are changing colors. Anyways here are some of the things we did. We went to the rodeo which was nice. I really didn't watch that much of because I was too busy riding around on a horse.

Then We went to the Parade to see all the many different things that Chama had to offer. We also saw Congressman Steve Pearce. Not that we really cared but hey it was cool to see him walking in the parade. Although we know why....Election Year.... Our Nephews also were in the parade riding horses. We know that T-Dog (Baby Anthony) is growing up because he can ride that horse like no ones Business. Christina got mad because when we saw him he said hi to me first and did not say anything to here. I told her that he is growing up and he has a cool Tio that he can fight with.

The there was the Water fights. Which some one that is not from Chama would think it was something totally different. I thought that there would be a lot of people fighting with water getting people wet. Well man was I wrong but it was still nice to see the local fire departments compete against each other.

Then there is my Father-In - Law in is Fire man Garb

Mainly it was all about spending time with family and having a good time.

Military Dinning In

The following weekend Christina and I got to participate in a Military Dinning In. I had a Military Decision Makeing Process Conference (MDMP). It was nice information but the fun parts were in the evening with the dinning in. It is along military tradition that honors the fallen and the present soldiers. The is a punch bowl that is called the Grawg that My self and may others had to visit. The tradition is that the "Grawg" out ranks you no matter how high you are. Overall it was a fun night and Christina got to take part in a military tradition. Along with getting to meet my commander and brigade commander. There were also some Alumni from NMMI there that she got to talk to and see what they have done since they left the hill.

Weekly Gordies

There is not much to report on her she actually has been very good for the most part. so she wants us to know that and so she showed us her job...see picture below pictures are worth a thousand words.

Chama Days Water fight